Sunday 4 October 2015

Capture Your Grief Day 4 - Dark + Light

Luca means light. Adriana means darkness. Luca Adriana, our light in our darkness. So much sadness in losing her, and knowing she would't grow with us here, but light in the hope and joy she brought in her short little 11 weeks of life.

Some people seem surprised when we tell them that we named the baby we lost from miscarriage. It is easier to understand with Elisa, because she was 7 months along, people knew I was pregnant, they saw my belly and when she was born, she looked like a baby. But that is part of the secondary grief of miscarriage, many people don't know you are pregnant, so don't know you lose a baby. It is isolating and lonely. It is part of why we speak about our losses now, to share that no matter how long a child is here, 11 weeks, 7 months, or years, losing them is hard. The grief and experience is different for every situation, but the grief is there because the love was there.

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