Thursday 29 October 2015

Capture Your Grief: Day 29 - What Heals You

What Heals You

Carly Marie, the woman who set up the Capture Your Grief Project does a grief work shop called "What Heals You"

She says instead of asking "WHY" ask "What Heals You?"

I catch myself asking why a lot still, but I know that I won't find an answer. Or if I ever did, nothing, nothing, would be reason enough to lose my children.

So it isn't a productive question.

What Heals You, is productive.

What Heals Me, is talking about our losses, telling our story, telling our daughter's stories.

What Heals Me, is connecting with people, opening myself up and offering myself as a connection for others who are traveling down this road of baby loss.

What Heals Me, is being able to be honest about my feelings, to be authentic in everything that I do now, because life is too short and too fragile to mask who I really am

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