2015 was by far the hardest year of my life. It began with the last days of our journey on carrying Elisa despite knowing she likely would not live. Those days were hard, trying to find joy and cherish the time we had, while also being overcome with worry and sadness of knowing our child would likely die.
And then there was her death. Even though we knew one of our appointments would likely begin with an ultrasound with no heartbeat, nothing can ever prepare you for when it actually happens. Then being told that you have a choice to go straight to the hospital and deliver your deceased child, or if you want to go home and gather your things and come back to the hospital.
We chose to go home, gather our things and some of Elisa's things and went back to the hospital. I labored through the night and into the early morning, and at 11:05am, 20 days in to 2015, our daughter was born still.
The hits of 2015 kept coming, when in July of this year, Mark's oldest brother Serge passed away. Mark has lost so much in these last few years, his father, two daughters and then his brother. Mark is my everything and to see him go through all of this loss is excruciating. He is an amazing man, and has kept his core, loving, caring personality through all of this, but he shouldn't have to, he has seen enough sorrow for one life time.
2015 also knocked us down in our continued journey through infertility. We've been back on the road to trying again for 8 months now, and still no luck. We know it takes time, but after each of our pregnancies taking us a while to get pregnant, and then each of those ending in loss, it is really hard not to wonder if it will ever happen for us.
Despite all of these hits in 2015, as we get closer to 2016 I am finding that there are certain things in 2015 I don't want to leave behind.
2015 was the last year that Elisa was alive, she lived for 19 days in 2015, but her heart will never beat in 2016
2015 was the first and only time I was able to hold Elisa in this world. As much as January 20th, 2015 was the hardest day of my life, to go through labor knowing she was already gone, and to have to say goodbye forever that evening, that day was also the best day of my life, because Mark and I were able to hold, kiss and just be with Elisa.
This is the 4th New Years Eve where we have been waiting in hopes of building our family. I am discouraged to think 2016 may be another year of sorrow, but I also can't help but hope....
Art and quote from Frachesca Cox |