Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Hello Again

It has been a while since I have written. A lot has been going on in our lives since October and I honestly wasn't ready to put anything down "in black and white" I know so many people through the blogging world who have suffered through loss, and infertility and I wasn't quite sure how to put this all in words, so I'll just go for it

It is with grateful hearts that Mark and I would like to share that we are expecting Luca and Elisa's little brother.

We can't believe it, but we are actually 36 weeks along, and due mid-May

Even as I write this, I have a silly stupid feeling of "Jinxing It".  But so many people have been so supportive of our journey, and we love and cherish this little life so much, we want others to know he exists.

So, 5 years - nearly to the day - since we started trying for a baby, we will *hopefully* be welcoming our baby boy.  These next few weeks I know will be riddled with emotions. I am trying my best to enjoy each moment, remain calm and I am asking my baby girls in heaven to watch over their little brother <3